Google Author: How To Add Rel Me & Photo To Searches That WORKS

google auhtorHands up if you have tried to Setup Google Authorship and failed. Yes? Me too – until yesterday.  Setting up Google Authorship and getting it to work, can be very frustrating. It can make you feel like a complete idiot. I know this because I’ve just spent my entire Easter trying to crack this particular Golden Egg (think Goose that lays etc…)..what? it was Easter, OK?  

But…I finally did it, and now I can explain to you exactly how you can do it too… in 30 minutes, not in 4 frustrating days, as I did.

Here are some things you need to think about if you are serious about your blog and it’s future:

  • Do you know what Google Authorship Markup is?
  • Do you know WHY you need to get on the Authorship bandwagon…or risk getting left behind, and wondering where all your traffic went?
  • Do you know HOW to put your PHOTO on Google, so it appears next to your links in Google Searches…and WHY you should (it increases traffic, Yes!)
  • Do you know what rel=”me” and rel=”author” are, and why you must have them? Continue reading

Google Authorship Explained: Why You Need It To Increase Traffic

google plus 200x204Do you know what Google Authorship is?  It’s sometimes called Google Authorship Markup as well. Do you know why every successful blogger on the planet is scrambling to put their picture on Google? Trying to get photos of themselves to appear in Google’s Search Results? Do you know how to put your Photo on Google and get it to appear in Google search results? And why you must?

Do you know why the HTML codes rel”me” and rel”author” are so important? Do you have a Google+ account with a Google+ Profile picture for Google search results yet? If you don’t, you need to get one as soon as possible.  You cannot afford to ignore Google+ any longer.  The train is leaving the station…are you on board?

All these topics are linked together, and interwoven into a spaghetti tangle of information and linking networks that I have spent most of Easter, trying to untangle and get working for me. My next article will explain to you exactly how to navigate these troubled waters, and land safely on the beach of ‘I did that! Hah! Eat my Dust!’  [See the diagram of link structure and layout, in graphic below]. Continue reading

Brilliant CuteRank Keyword Checker Tool – It’s Cute & It’s FREE

Cuterank keyword LogoKeywords! Are you confused about which are your best keywords? Do you even know what your best keywords are?  Today, I’ve found you a fantastic Keyword Check Tool, and it’s brilliant. I’ve been having such fun with this free rank checker all day.  It’s like peering into Aladdin’s Cave for Bloggers.

Imagine being able to use this Keyword Research Tool to check where all your best Keywords rank. Imagine knowing the SEO Rank Position of your top keywords in dozens of different search engines in dozens of different countries.  Imagine being able to see how they change their Keyword Rank Positions from day to day.  It is seriously addictive. Continue reading

Get Coolest FREE Tool Ever! The Headline Analysis Checker

headline check

photo: annie mole

Are you ready to be excited? Are you ready to be dazzled, bedazzled and amazed? Even gob-smacked? (ancient Aussie saying). Listen up, folks – I have just found you the coolest, the most fantastic, the most amazing FREE online Marketing Analysis Tool you can imagine, EVER. Yes. This headline analysis checker is truly AWESOME! Yes. And I don’t say that lightly (unlike some, but I digress…).

There I was, plowing through endless emails, drinking too much coffee, deleting like crazy, as you do…but then…Wow!  I was following up on a lead, when I suddenly came face to face with this totally Awesome (I know, give me a break – I’m excited, OK?) Marketing Tool.  This Online Marketing Headline Checker is heaven on a stick – no, really.  So what is it, I hear you ask….drum roll, please James: Continue reading

Get NoDoFollow Add-On – Brilliant FREE Backlink Checker

backlink goldFinding dofollow links and backlinks, is like panning for gold.  Bloggers spend a lot of time searching for, and chasing Dofollow links to impress the Google web crawlers. If you are trying to impress Google with the value of your Content, and Authority (and who isn’t?), you need to find Blogs, Forums and High Page Rank websites where you can add a Dofollow Backlink Comment. They are not easy to find.

Bloggers need information if we want to succeed, and we need it fast. If it is also free, so much the better.  Time is money, and there are always too many jobs to do when running a successful Blog.  Today I can bring you a Back link Tool that is cool, incredibly useful, fast… AND it’s Free.  It’s my number one Tool for finding and building those all-important Backlinks! Continue reading

How to Add Nofollow Links to Blogroll, Feedburner & Sidebar Widgets

nofollow linksYour Blogroll, your Feedburner link and Affiliate Banners are normally located in Widgets in your Sidebar. The links in these widgets will normally be dofollow links. According to the latest Panda update from Google, it is probably a good idea to make these links nofollow links. Especially if you have links in your Blogroll that are not an exact matched with your blog’s niche topic. Or, even more importantly, we should make sure that any affiliate links are changed from dofollow to nofollow links.

Why? Because these Affiliate links could be described as Paid Links, or links where you will get paid, and Google is currently getting very fussy about that sort of thing – see article Google Panda and Penguin Updates. Continue reading